Transition Camp Fun Welcomes New Stars

Transition Camp kicked-off summer break for all the incoming future Stars by welcoming them to a week of meeting their peers, learning about life as a Star from current Stars, the pillars of the mission statement, the Ann Richards School uniform, and lots of games.

A key component of Transition Camp is learning how to use the tools in the MakerSpace. Students dive right into the Maker culture on campus through training in the MakerSpace on how to measure material properly, use a hand saw, and how to operate drills and drives for building.

At the end of the week, campers worked together to navigate different obstacle courses that the current Ann Richards School 8th grade Stars created during the last few weeks of the Spring semester. The 8th graders designed and built the ropes course in their STEM class to help Transition Camp attendees learn more about the Ann Richards way of communicating, collaborating, and having fun.

Through support from the Ann Richards School Foundation, Transition Camp offers a way to help build the Star community for the incoming students at the Ann Richards School to ensure a successful start to the school year.

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